gravitymax in transition

new media art inspirations

Posts Tagged ‘sculpture

start from the beginning

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„Start from the Beginning“ – Egyptrixx / Bible Eyes LP (Night Slugs 2011)
Animated short by Studio Datdatdat, Direction: A. N. Fischer

The video examines the relationship between the simulated image and its physical manifestation. The landscape appearing in the video references one of Fischer´s relief sculptures (​new-relief-in-progress/​).
The sculpture is magnified and distorted by the soundscape created by David Psutka. As time progresses the landscape becomes increasingly complex and distorted and finally changes its aggregate state to liquid. The shapes of the polygons appear in contrast to the fluid with which they collide.
The 3d model was textured with photos of the physical sculpture, which was carved from a block of mdf with a cnc-miling machine.

Written by gravitymax

March 23, 2011 at 1:06 am

trespass: a history of uncommissioned urban art

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A video introduction to Trespass: A History of Uncommissioned Urban Art featuring interviews by Marc and Sara Schiller (Wooster Collective) Carlo McCormick, WK Interact, Anne Pasternak, Martha Cooper. In Stores Everywhere This October

Written by gravitymax

October 3, 2010 at 4:50 pm

41,000 LEDs

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Multiverse, the largest and most complex light sculpture created by American artist Leo Villareal, may be seen and experienced by visitors as they pass through the Concourse walkway between the East and West Buildings of the National Gallery of Art. Commissioned by the Gallery and on view until November 2009, the work features approximately 41,000 computer-programmed LED (light-emitting diode) nodes that run through channels along the entire 200-foot-long space. The development of this LED project began in 2005, and the installation created by Villareal specifically for this location began in September 2008.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

read more about the artist and the multiverse installation on national gallery of art, which includes a really awesome 3-part interview.

Written by gravitymax

March 14, 2009 at 11:41 pm